Tuesday 31 January 2017

LUSH Dream Steam Review

Another LUSH review for you, this time it is the Dream Steam toner tab. I had no idea what this was until I stumbled across it the other day. Its a toner in the form of a solid tab.  It sells for £2.50 and contains rose, chamomile and tea tree. It is not tested on animals and the only chemicals it contains is sodium bicarbonate and perfume.

Heres how to use it
  1. Boil enough water to fill a large bowl
  2. Drop the tab into the water & watch it fizz
  3. Grab a tea towel and put your face over the bowl and the tea towel over your face. You look stupid so this is an activity best done alone! It keeps more of the seam in so you get a better result.
  4. Wait for about 5 minutes then stop steaming
  5. Get a cotton wool pad and dip it into the water
  6. Wipe on face to finish cleansing
Its really simple!
Here's my face before:
My skin problems are bumps and redness especially on the nose & cheeks.
The tab smells sweet and floral before you put it into the water. When its in it smells less sweet but it is strong. I'm not sure whether it was the steam or the ingredients in the tab which made my throat burn. This sensation was still there about half an hour later. This made it less relaxing. This might not be a problem for other people, so don't let this put you off.
Here's my face just after I finished steaming:

 After my face dried a bit, my skin felt very moisturised. After wiping my face with the water, my skin felt tighter and less moisturised, but still good.
The water didn't look very appealing afterwards. It looked quite grey and murky and the petals that decorated the tab looked like bits of dead skin, which is pretty disgusting. However, you can keep the water for up to a week in the fridge and use it as a toner and makeup remover, so I'm going to try that.
Here is my face about an hour and a half after I used the tab:
Honestly, I can't tell that there's any difference. I had high hopes for this based on the reviews on the website, but I'm disappointed in this product and I don't think I would buy I again. Overall, I'm going to rate it 2/5 because it was a fun experience and smelled nice, but it made my throat burn and didn't make much difference.
Thanks for reading,

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